I was recently asked what's the difference between "a business coach" and "a business coach for moms"? "What makes you so great?"
Glad you asked!
1. I realize that Mompreneurs have to be handled with cotton gloves. As much as we love business, feel "called" to the business or need to make money with the buiness, if it occupies too much time away from the children or too much money from the family budget we start backpeddling with Mom-Guilt. So I encourage, guide, push and motivate as if I'm coxing a powerful and beautiful lioness out of her cage and into the jungle. She can handle the jungle, but she doesn't know it yet. I don't want her to turn back to the safety and confines of the cage.
2. I email my Mommy clients an outline of our discussions, including the list of goals with the agreed upon dates of completion. This is to help the lioness stay focused. There are many distractions calling her; the cubs back in the cage and many other business ideas in the jungle. My follow-up email is printed and hung in her home office to be her visual anchor.
3. I also set my coaching hours to accomandate Mommy hours. Most Moms can't get to the phone during the 9-5 hours. The zoo is too busy. We come out of our cage to explore the JungleBusiness after hours. I talk with many of my clients either early in the a.m. or very late at night. This works well for me too because I also live in a zoo. I talk with my business coach at 3pm every other week. She is wonderful but not a mom-God bless her childless soul-so I drive down the street and sit in a church parking lot just to have a focused, uninterrupted conversation. How many coaches will schedule 11:00pm as your weekly appointment?
4. I request/demand that my clients come to the meeting as a Business Woman not a Business Mommy. In other words she cannot talk to me while fixing lunch, or doing laundry. The only thing that I will tolerate is breastfeeding her infant. This is to remind her to honor her business. Most moms are not always able to give her business full attention and many aren't taken seriously. During our sessions she has someone on the phone who honors her business and honors her as a business woman. This gives her the permission to do the same. In order to hunt successfully in the jungle she has to see herself as the true lioness that she is; this lioness is proud to hold up the mirror.
For the sake of time I won't go into all of my other "greatness" secrets. If you're interested in being coached by someone who loves building and supporting moms in their entrepreneurial pursuits, email me at LadyT@TheBusinessCoachforMoms.com
Personality, character, charisma, intelligence, humor, and a smidgen of weird - that's what makes you great! ;-) Love ya, Lady T!